If you are new to leasing there are so many options to generate great leasing leads. Sometimes all it takes is a little creativity. You can start leasing homes even if you do not have any listings. In my previous blogpost, I give some quick pointers if you are new to leasing, you can review the 5 baby steps HERE . If you are new, you are probably looking for some tools to get your phone ringing off the hook. I previously wrote a post on how to market your leasing business, you can view that post HERE . If you are looking for more ideas to market, that actually work to generate leads, Facebook, door hangers, and the IDX are the best ways to generate prospects even if you have zero clients. FACEBOOK CALENDAR: Facebook is a booming marketing tool but you must know how to utilize it. There is a lot of misinformation surrounding this platform. To be success it starts with building a business page and providing great Facebook content. Then you MUST build ...