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Showing posts with the label Engagement

3 Ways Real Estate Professionals Engage Their Team Through Numbers

Real estate organizations need to lead their people by the numbers. We are often disengaged when we are given a job without direction. The numbers you give your team members to reach offer them purpose and meaning.   Research from a popular 1981 article entitled, How to Retain Real Estate Sales People, expresses how real estate brokers and managers believed that money was the only important motivator for salespeople. This could not be further from the truth. The biggest mistake Realtors make, when attempting to engage and retain talent, is thinking retention is based on income or pay. Retention comes when a staff member is fully engaged.  Engagement happens when managers follow the Leadership Engagement Process and the second step is ensuring the entire staff knows their number. Each position within the organization should be measured with a number.   The biggest mistake successful Realtors make, once they figure out number measurement is thinking that every p

How to Coach to Your Mission

Know Your Mission! You may not need to fire that employee, just yet. Coaching can play a significant role in turning around employee performance. Personally, I love working with challenging employees. Employees with a bad attitude, employees hired for the wrong role, employees who do not have the skills to do the job, employees who are disengaged, bring them on! In my book, Leadership Coaching as a Strategy for Employee Development , I explain the importance of resisting the temptation to blame your staff for poor performance. It is your responsibility, as the manager, to get results. The first time you blame your staff member, for your poor performance, you will start the “Cycle of Resistance” and significantly impede your ability to succeed. Think about this, would you rather have one hundred percent of your own effort or one percent of one hundred people’s effort? What is a Mission Statement? It is important to understand the Leadership Engage

Stop Wasting Your Time On Social Media

Can you believe in November, 2016 it is 80 degrees outside, the Cubs won the World Series, and Social Media Marketing is not working for businesses. Think about your current social media strategy. If you are like most Realtors, Property Managers, Brokers, or Sales Managers I know, You can spend significant amounts of time on social media and  get zero leads ringing your phone. Large social media giants such and Google, Facebook, Twitter, and Linkedin hire programing experts to keep your post from gaining exposure. These companies want you to pay-for-clicks. As far as advertising goes, these social media giants may be good choices. If you want to utilize these tools effectively, you must pivot your attention to Social Team Engagement! Just today, I was able to engage my team though social media. They were completely engaged in a number of personal development suggestions, while they also worked hard doing their job. Look, I understand one thing, Millennials are going to b

Meet Jolene Hey, A Facebook Live Expert!

Jolene is a Mother, Structural Engineer, Network Marketer, and an Expert at Facebook Live. It was a Tuesday at noon. I was speaking to the St. Louis Small Business Owners Meetup Group. The topic was “Social Media Marketing is Dead, Social Team Engagement is in!” Jolene was there because the topic was fascinating; being that she helps market new and exciting businesses via Facebook Live. More on Facebook Live in a second… Jolene sat in the second row and participated. She shared her experience in leadership with the group. Genuine and authentic are buzzwords in social media marketing, but they truly describe her personality, and the group learned a lot about engagement from her. Businesses need to develop and engage everyone on their team and that includes customer advocates, employees, contractors, and other constituents. The big idea from my talk was, “The message to develop leaders doesn’t change, only the medium does!” The social team engagement event ended and I did no