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Showing posts with the label Investing

The 4 Steps to A Cost Renovation

Grant Cardone sales trainer, radio host, real estate investor, and business coach is known for his statement, “Price is a myth!” He would be right. Price is a myth but costs are real and a fact. As a leader you are either controlling costs or costs are controlling you. Organizations today are very focused on cutting and controlling expenses, but what they should be focused on is controlling costs. What Does Your Decisions Cost? That is the question that every leader must ask themselves. When you are making decisions, you must consider all the costs. For instance stealing from your company may fill a short term need, but what is the cost to you if you are caught? If you are caught you could lose your job, increase stress in your life, and be arrested. The 4 Steps to a Renovation In the long term there are high costs associated with making bad short term decisions today. Just like your need to conduct renovate your time management plan you may need to undergo a cost renovation.

3 Types of Motivations that Real Estate Professionals Feel with a Team Scoreboard

Are you utilizing a team score board? If you are following the Leadership Engagement Process you know the following steps are important to engaging your team?   Step 1 is for every position to know the company mission and the mission of their job. Step 2 is for every position to know their number. Ensuring each team member has a one number they are personally responsible to measure is very important. You should give them one specific goal based on this number.   Step 3 is for every position to know their score. The Leadership Engagement Process utilizes a team scoreboard. This scoreboard is imperative in engaging your team members. Real Estate Managers, Brokers, and Realtor leaders can not effect behavioral changes their staff unless the staff member knows what the target is for every day, week, month, and quarter. Your scoreboard should be broken down into three parts a top, a middle, and a bottom. The top of the scoreboard should be your manager's te

Are You Taxed Trying to Get Higher Levels of Engagement from Your Team?

If you are following the Leadership Engagement Process then you know that step two is coaching your team members to know their numbers. Step 1 can be found here: How to coach to your mission. In my next post, you will learn how to coach your team members to know their numbers. Knowing your numbers and your team member’s numbers are important to ensuring maximum productivity from everyone. Is every team member 100% engaged in their job? When your team members know their numbers, they are instantly more engaged in their job. In my next post you will learn how to look at each position, employee or contractor, and determine the numbers most important to track. To start the three numbers that report your productivity are your income, expenses, and profit. Every employee should have income they generate, expenses they cost, and profit they create. For every business owner it is important keep track of your income, expenses, and profit, per employee and

How to Coach to Your Mission

Know Your Mission! You may not need to fire that employee, just yet. Coaching can play a significant role in turning around employee performance. Personally, I love working with challenging employees. Employees with a bad attitude, employees hired for the wrong role, employees who do not have the skills to do the job, employees who are disengaged, bring them on! In my book, Leadership Coaching as a Strategy for Employee Development , I explain the importance of resisting the temptation to blame your staff for poor performance. It is your responsibility, as the manager, to get results. The first time you blame your staff member, for your poor performance, you will start the “Cycle of Resistance” and significantly impede your ability to succeed. Think about this, would you rather have one hundred percent of your own effort or one percent of one hundred people’s effort? What is a Mission Statement? It is important to understand the Leadership Engage